Cels Forum

Re: Re: Question about Large Cels (Tue Apr 20 08:03:02 1999 )


If you only have one large cel like this your best bet
is to probably frame it.  If you have two or more and
plan on getting more in the future there are a few larger
size books that can accomodate cels of this size.  

Go to a good art store in your area and look for art 
portfolios.  The ones that I would recommend would be the
Prat ones, there is another cheaper brand, but trust me,
you don't want those because the pages suck and will only
cause you pain and suffering.

The size that I got was 24 x 18 which will fit just about
any size cel.  As I remember there was also a 22 x 16 and
a 20 x 16.  The portfolios are very well constructed and
should last longer than your cels.

The only downside is the price, mine cost me $270.  Which
yes it is a lot, but when you consider that if you have
2 cels of this size framing them nicely would cost at
least $100-$200 (to do it right and not the cheapo clearance
frame sale) you really end up saving money in the end.

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