Cels Forum

Virus Buster Serge Cels. (Sat May 8 04:58:33 1999 )

By anychance does anyone have any idea where the heck I can get some Virus Buster Serge Cels? I'm looking for one's of Macus Alexander Bogard and Raven, but at this point it doesn't matter what male character it is. 
I want to get my hands on these cels while I still have the money.

There are pictures of the characters on my site, if you're not aware of who these guys are. 
I'd prefer to obtain them in North America if possible.

Please Please Please let me know if there is somewhere where I can get these.

I already know of Ed Noonchester ( I bought my three Gowcaizer and VBS cels from him )

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