Cels Forum

Re: Re: Cel Collecting: Hobby or Addiction? (Sat Jul 3 08:24:56 1999 )

>Am I the only one who gets so possessive that I cringe
>when someone starts to pull one of my cels out of the cel >book?  

Nope, your'e not the only one.  Unfortunetly I live in the
corn fields of Indiana, so not many people take interest
in my cels.  The only time I really had someone looking 
through my cels was at the "cel trade session" at Anime 
Central last April.  I met some great people, but one guy I 
almost kicked the $@#& out of.  As he looked through my 
cels, he practiclly bent them in half.  I was ready to 
shoot him. ^_^ After all the money and effort that goes
into getting those cels, I think you have the right to be
a little wary.


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