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Anime Chaos order stats. (Thu Oct 21 05:27:29 1999
) Parrallax |
Ok everyone. I've got orders up the yin-yang, and its going to take me a while to get throught them. (also, since I got classes tomorrow, thats going to delay me a bit.) But anyway, just a few quick notes. Utena cels = sold out Escaflowne = sold out Ruroni Kenshin = sold out MKR = sold out And lots of others got dents put in them. If you ordered Ranma cels, consider yourself VERY lucky if you get them. About 75 percent of all orders so far include Ranma cels. But don't let that scare ya, there are plenty left. This is all just by glancing at the current orders and off of memory. At least all the snags are out. You should have heard my heart stop when I found out all those links were bad. I've never worked quicker in my life. Thanks everyone! -Parrallax |
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