Cels Forum

Pocket Partners Update (Tue Jul 20 08:31:32 1999 )

Hey everyone,

I'm just posting this message for those people who will be joining
me for the Pocket group.  (apologies to everyone else for whom this
message is irrelevant)

This is an updater of sorts.  ^_^ 
I just got back from L.A.  (AX was great- it was VERY cool meeting everyone!)
and I haven't had a chance to sort through all the mail and reply to everyone. 
So I thought I would post here since it seems like most people check this board 
regularly.  ;)

Now that I'm back, I'll be able to answer inquiries or requests for info on a 
more timely basis. I've also been in touch with Pocket.  For those worried
about getting their funds in a.s.a.p., we have an extension to the original Pocket 
deadline, so there's an extra few days to get the transfer together.

For those who have contacted me but not finalized their orders, please send me the 
info I asked for a.s.a.p. so I can let Pocket know you'll be part of the group. (I understand
several of you were at AX, as was I, so there's a slight delay)  The people who 
have sent me their confirmations already have been added so Pocket knows you'll be 
joining your requests with me.  

I will have everyone's order totals ready shortly (AX people get your confirmations in!).  
Keep an eye out for the email in the next day or so!

Thanks and take care, :)

- Debbye

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