Cels Forum

Re: AX dealer room (Fri Jul 23 00:31:14 1999 )

Well, I didn't pick up any Utena cels ;_;....

However, I did pick up a couple other cels off my wishlist and
some other nice things that I saw.  I thought the prices were
pretty much what I am used to seeing in general.  I didn't spend 
as much as I expected, though there were plenty of things that 
were _very_ nice, just not what _I_ was looking for.  However, 
looking through, there was a wide selection with plenty of cels 
you don't see everyday.  I'm sure a lot of collectors walked out
happy.  I am pleased with what I bought and as always, it was 
great to talk with the dealers and fellow collectors. ^_^     

~I will get around to scanning the goodies I picked up soon...

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