Cels Forum

Marmalade Boy and other cels at e-bay (Tue Aug 3 11:44:39 1999 )
Dark Amber

I just thought I should mention that I have severals cels at e-bay
right.  One of them is a really nice cel of the hard to get
character Jinny.  I just have three other cels of her that
I'm keeping.

There is also one of my dear Hayato from Cyber Formula
Hawkeye from Sailor Moon
Lufy from Gal Force.

I'm also in the process of moving my web page from Geocities to
Webjump at the following address:


If anyone wants to escape from Geocites because of Yahoo's new
'we own the rights to everything on your web' policy, you might
want to check out Webjump.

Cathy/Dark Amber

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