Cels Forum

Re: Situation with abdel ... update ... (Sat Aug 14 01:41:55 1999 )

Hello :)

While reading these messages about Abdel which seem to crop up
every few weeks or so, I thought I would add my 2 cents since I
have some experience dealing with Abdel.

As I wrote a few weeks back, I sent him money which he claimed to
never have received; whether or not this is true, I have no idea 
and decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.  After I posted
here asking if anyone had dealt with him, he emailed me and offered
me one of the cels I had originally ordered (I ordered 2 cels and 
sent nearly $150) as a gesture of goodwill.

Since that was better than nothing, I accepted, happy that I could at 
least salvage something.  Now about a day after he sent me that email,
he emailed me again (July 31) saying that he was sorry but 
he couldn't send the cel for 2-3 weeks due to a lack of funds.

So...all I can do is sit back and wait.  Its been almost 2 weeks since
that email and I haven't heard from him but I'm waiting to see if he keeps
his promise.  I'm hoping he does, but I can't tell as of yet.

I truly hope Kim and the other people who are owed money and/or cels receive 
recompensation, but I wouldn't hope for too much, since according to his
letter to me, he didn't even have the funds to ship my one cel. 

Take care, :)

- Debbye

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