Cels Forum

Re: So how was San Diego...I'd like to hear some reports..... (Tue Aug 17 09:41:12 1999 )


San Diego was a lot of fun.  There weren't a whole lot of
cels there to be had, as the big story for the show was 
a un-publisized appearance of Amano Yoshitaka.  He was
signing auotgraphs and giving out sketches, I personally
got a great sketch of D from Vampire Hunter D.  The other
big attraction was the creator of Pokemon was there as
well giving sketches (don't know his name as I'm not into
the show) and saw some friends walking out with sketches
of Pikachu and what not.  Asamiya Kia was there again this
year giving sketches and signing.

As for the cels there were only a handful of noteable ones.
A nice Nausicaa with Teto, albeit extremely overpriced at
$2500, some good lain cels with backgrounds.  The other 
noteable cels were on an auction on Sunday at one of the 
dealer tables, there was a primo Carla from Lodoss oav, a
Deedlit with matching background (very nice shot as well)
another oav Carla (full figure), a Priss from episode 1 of
bgc ova in her band costume, and a killer Golden Boy cel.

I personally only got 3 cels, a Firia, Hinoto from X and
a peanuts cel of snoopy and Charlie Brown.  

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