Cels Forum

PSME cel on auction... who's planning to bid? (Tue Sep 14 19:34:42 1999 )
Jennifer A. Wand

I dreamed about this cel last night. (the one at Kagato's)
I have been tortured about it all day.  I have to know... 
who else is bidding on this?  How much did you bid?  I need
to know if this is going for an amount I can possibly 
afford to match.  If this is expected to go for over a 
thousand, then I know it's hopeless, but at least I'll 
know... ::sob::

in torrrrment
can't anyone call up the studio and ask if they're planning 
to release them any time soon???
if you don't want to release your bid publicly, just e-mail
me and I'll be quiet...

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