

Silver Iczelion
Kawai Kawai is Silver Iczelion. She is a high school student.
Kawai is a very gentle person and she is the one who explains why the Iczel were created to Nagisa and who try to persuade her that she has to fight to protect the Earth. While others Iczelion may be fighting as a kind of game or because they love that, Kawai firmly believes that there is nothing more important than defending the Earth.

Silver Iczelion
Gold Iczelion Gold Iczelion
Kiiro Iijima is Gold Iczelion. She is an idol singer.
She is probably the most girlish and enthusiastic of the Iczelion, which doesn't diminish her fighting powers at all. She displays one of the broadest range of attacks during the anime.
Normal Type Iczelion
Nagisa Kai is the "Normal Type" Iczelion. She doesn't want to fight and she spend her time runing and crying in fright but as she had plenty of practice in Iczer-1 and Iczer-3, she is pretty good at it :)
When she finaly decides to fight, she does it by combining some of her pro-wrestler moves with "normal" Iczelion attacks to the consternation of her Iczel partner.
Normal Type Iczelion
Black Iczelion Black Iczelion
Nami Shiina is Black Iczelion. She is a rock singer and work as a dancer in a night-club.
From all the Iczelion, she is the most direct and sure of herself, probably with good reasons ! She is also the most skilled with a sword and in hand to hand combat.
Unknow Iczelion
This young girl is an Iczelion from another planet. She is killed by Cross in the first few minutes of the anime while trying to protect her home world.
Unknow Iczelion

Cross Cross
Cross is an android and was probably "created" by Big Gold before she was killed by Iczer-1. With her brother Chaos, she goes from planet to planet, stealing their resources and destroying them.
She takes pleasure in killing their inhabitants and hunting down the Iczelion that protect those world.

Animation of Nagisa


Copyright ©1997 Yann Stettler and CohProg Sarl. All rights reserved. Pictures are copyright Hirano Toshihiro and AIC